Episode 30

Published on:

11th Jul 2023

Ep 30: 2023 Mid-Year OT Advocacy Updates You Can Take Action On TODAY

2023 Mid-Year OT Advocacy Updates You Can Take Action On TODAY

We are officially mid-way through the year and some exciting things are finally being introduced to Congress. This means we have the opportunity to step up and be an advocate for change within the Occupational Therapy profession. That’s why this week on The Amplify OT Podcast, I am talking about the advocacy updates you can take action on today!

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In this episode, I cover:

  • AOTA will soon introduce Home Health Accessibility Act which if passed would make OT a qualifying discipline in home health.  
  • The Occupational Therapy Mental Health Parity Act has officially been re-introduced into Congress. 
  • The Expanded Telehealth Access Act has been re-introduced to Congress listing OT practitioners as being eligible to provide Telehealth under Medicare Part B. 
  • The SHARE Act creates a technical fix allowing information to be shared between states and the FBI which is important for the licensure compact.
  • Updates on the Allied Health Workforce Diversity Program asking for funding. 
  • HR 1114 (The Long-Covid RECOVERY NOW Act) providing funding to support treatments for patients experiencing the effects of long covid. 
  • Breaking down AOTA, APTA, and ASHA’s letter calling out problems on several principals and providing potential solutions moving forward for Medicare Part B! It’s a spicy one!

Amplify OT Resources

Want to keep learning about how insurance and reimbursement impact you? Then head to AmplifyOT.com/Services to see what resources we have available!

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Join the Amplify OT Membership

As a exclusive bonus for podcast listeners, you can join the Amplify OT Membership at any time! Join today to take control of your career! It’s time to become your own best resource on Medicare and advocacy.

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About the Podcast

The Amplify OT Podcast
Learn about insurance and billing… but in a fun way that makes sense.
Welcome to the Amplify OT Podcast. I’m Clarice Grote and I’m the host of the Amplify OT Podcast. I’m an occupational therapist by trade and a policy wonk by choice. The Amplify OT Podcast is where we break down healthcare policy and legislation to help you not only survive but thrive in this crazy US healthcare system. So, let's dive in!

Learn more about Amplify OT at www.amplifyot.com

About your host

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Clarice Grote

Clarice Grorte is an occupational therapist and lived the transformation from guessing to confident by learning to understand policy.

She's the creator of The Amplify OT Podcast, Mastering OT Policy & Medicare™, and the Amplify OT Membership™.

She is passionate about spreading the word on the value of occupational therapy and proving to OTs and OTAs that they already have the skills the need to be amazing OT advocates